
Tomorrow's To Do List...

I am the queen of making lists. I make lists for everything! That is why I almost always have some paper or notebook of some sort readily handy. I have to write down all the swimming to do's and design ideas, and stuff to buy, and goals, and the lists go on and on. However, I have a hard time keeping up with these lists. They can usually be found balled up at the bottom of my purse or under a huge stack of papers and bills, that I only seem to go through about once a month at best. So why I think these lists are useful to my productivity, I'm not sure. Maybe it just helps to get it out of my head, on to a piece of paper, and organized for a minute. Beyond that, the organization is out the window. Tomorrow's to do list is not too long...

1. Job interview

2. Study for my final on FRIDAY

3. Start preparing for Mossy Creek Arts and Craft Fair--2 weeks away!

Yep, just 3 things on the list, but 3 big things at that. Seems like in life, it's either super busy or super not. Fun stuff!